Challenges of Climate and Terrain in Punjab


The St Martha Bethany Vidyalaya School Phase 1, designed by Kamat & Rozario Architecture, grapples with the unique weather and topographical conditions of Punjab, presenting both challenges and opportunities for architectural innovation.

Punjab’s Weather Extremes

Punjab’s climate is characterized by extremes, with scorching summers reaching temperatures close to 50 degrees Celsius and bone-chilling winters dropping to zero degrees Celsius. These fluctuations demand architectural solutions that ensure comfort and functionality year-round.

Topographical Considerations

The countryside of Punjab features dense clusters of settlements strategically positioned to avoid encroaching upon the fertile and highly irrigated cultivable land. This region is renowned for its high grain yield, shaping the local landscape and lifestyle.

Impact of Uninterrupted Flat Land

The uninterrupted flat terrain of Punjab, devoid of mountainous obstructions, facilitates the movement of high-speed winds that carry considerable dust. The absence of natural barriers poses a challenge for architectural design, requiring measures to mitigate the impact of these hostile winds.

Adaptation through Architectural Form

The school’s location on the outskirts, amidst fields, offers picturesque views and relief from summer heat due to the standing rice crop. However, the end of each harvest cycle brings frequent dust storms and ash-laden winds from stubble burning, necessitating architectural adaptation.

The Arc-shaped Design

The arc-shaped form of the school building evolves as a response to environmental challenges. Fortress-like blank walls aim to deflect gusty winds, while brightly colored bridge elements articulate breaks in the wall, adding vibrancy to the design.

Integration with Surroundings

The taupe color of the walls blends with the surrounding soil, camouflaging weathering effects. Openings are strategically oriented away from incident winds, while small courts created by the building’s massing provide shaded outdoor spaces for students, serving as play areas and potentially winter classrooms.


The St Martha Bethany Vidyalaya School Phase 1 exemplifies architectural ingenuity in adapting to Punjab’s unique climate and terrain. Through thoughtful design interventions, Kamat & Rozario Architecture creates a functional and resilient learning environment that embraces the region’s challenges while celebrating its natural beauty.

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